About me and this site

Throughout most of my life, I never truly contemplated the existence or possibility of ghosts or other paranormal phenomena. I wouldn't necessarily label myself a skeptic or believer, I simply never even thought about ghosts or the paranormal. In my childhood, I had the opportunity to experiment with a Ouija board, and even as an adult, I've played with it a few times at parties. However, I have never believed it can connect with ghosts, spirits or other entities, and that belief remains unchanged. If the oracle, also known as the planchet, were to move without any physical contact, then and only then would it seem more plausible for me to believe in its powers. However, due to the fact that it requires physical contact with the fingertips, I am inclined to believe that it is simply a result of someone intentionally or subconsciously moving it.

Martin Burns

My experiences

The main factor that has led me to develop a belief in ghosts and the paranormal is due to my own personal experiences of unexplainable and eerie occurrences within my own home. Activity that I cannot explain. Once in the middle of the night, at approximately 2:00 AM, I woke up to let my dog out, and caught the glimpse of a figure, hunched over and scurrying across my kitchen floor, almost resembling a human. If I am honest, I cannot recall if the moon was visible at that time. If it was, it is possible that it was shining brightly, and in reality, it may have been a mere shadow creeping in through the kitchen window. Along with the other strange noises and creaks, I have also distinctly heard what sounds like footsteps coming from my loft or attic room. I went to investigate and found no one there. Not only have I personally heard these mysterious footsteps, but my wife has also experienced them on multiple occasions. In fact, even our guests and friends have witnessed these unexplainable sounds. On multiple occasions, I have experienced the unsettling phenomenon of hearing voices in the middle of the night when there was no one else present. All the televisions in my home were turned off, and we live in an area with no other houses nearby. What I found the most disturbing and troubling was that this voice appeared to be addressing me directly, as if it had a personal connection to me. Is it possible that these events are paranormal, and could they be considered tangible evidence of ghosts or spirits? I'm not sure. As far as I know, the only thing I can say with absolute certainty is that I cannot explain them. Perhaps my own home is haunted! Alternatively, it could be my own overactive imagination running wild and causing me to think irrational thoughts. However, if my home is haunted, I believe that is cool, and if the ghosts are okay with me, I'm okay with them.

In my personal experience, I have viewed and enjoyed various spine-chilling films, such as Poltergeist, the Exorcist, and other similar movies. While I appreciate their value as entertainment, I cannot consider them anything more than that. I can confidently state that these movies did not instill any fear within me, nor successfully alter my attitudes or beliefs regarding the potential existence of ghosts, demons or any other paranormal phenomenon.

While I do not hold any particular religious beliefs, I also do not identify as an atheist. In my personal belief, I believe that a powerful force, which some may refer to as God, is responsible for the creation of our vast and intricate universe. I don't know what that force is, and I doubt anyone else does either, despite claims to the contrary.

If you have found yourself on this webpage, it is likely that you are either intrigued or at least curious why I hold the beliefs that I do. Furthermore, you may also wonder why I spent my time, energy, and money on creating this website. The main objective and intention of this website is not to persuade or alter anyone's beliefs, thoughts, or opinions. While I understand that it may be difficult to sway the opinions of those skeptical about the existence of ghosts or other paranormal occurrences, I also recognize that it would be equally challenging to convince those who strongly believe in these phenomena that they are not real. As I express my thoughts, I can only hope that those who are skeptical will open their minds, even if it is just a small amount, to the idea that there are certain phenomena beyond our normal human knowledge and understanding, and it is possible that ghosts or other paranormal entities may truly exist within our realm. While I hope believers will continue to hold their beliefs in ghosts, psychics, mediums, and other supernatural phenomena, I also urge them to approach these subjects with a more critical eye to avoid falling victim to unscrupulous and fake psychics and mediums. My goal in taking this action is to hopefully narrow the divide, even if only slightly, between those who are skeptical and those who are believers.

I am uncertain about the existence of ghosts or any other paranormal phenomenon, as there is no concrete evidence or scientific proof to confirm their reality. While it may seem that all ghosts and spirits are simply creations of our own minds and imaginations, it is also possible that there is a separate reality beyond our own in which these entities exist and manifest themselves. It is possible that ghosts, entities from the spiritual world, may exist within our own realm of reality, but their presence is only detectable on a much subtler and mysterious level. If it is indeed factual that the personality or essence of a person can transcend death and endure, I believe there must be a method to substantiate this through scientific means, a method that would be persuasive enough to sway even the most resolute skeptics.

However, it is inevitable that there will always be a certain group of individuals who possess such narrow-mindedness that they would refuse to acknowledge the existence of ghosts or the supernatural, regardless of any evidence that may be presented to them. The reason for their refusal to believe may be simply because they are not open to the idea. Even if they were to witness the truth with their own two eyes, they would still be reluctant to let go of the comfort that comes with their closed-minded skepticism.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to every individual who has taken the time to visit and browse through my website. I understand that not everyone will share the same opinions and beliefs as me, so I don't expect everyone to agree with my perspective. Some will think I'm too much of a believer, and others will think I'm too skeptical. However, each of us must make a personal decision whether to believe in the existence of ghosts and the paranormal. It is possible that one day, we may come across undeniable proof that ghosts truly exist and are a tangible presence in our world, but simultaneously, it is also possible that someone can demonstrate their existence purely within our imaginations. However, until the day arrives when we have definitive answers, I wholeheartedly wish that all individuals, whether skeptical or believing, will continue to keep an open and inquisitive mindset and demonstrate respect towards the beliefs of others.

My disclaimer

As an individual, I must clarify that I do not possess any scientific, psychological, or psychiatric training, nor am I an expert in parapsychology. In addition, I must clarify that I am not a member of the clergy, nor do I have affiliations with any religious organizations. Every piece of information found on this website is entirely derived from my own personal perspectives, beliefs, and past experiences. In the unfortunate case that you feel you are being relentlessly haunted or tormented by any malevolent entities, demons, devils, ghosts, or other supernatural beings, it is highly recommended that you take the wise and cautious approach of reaching out to someone who may offer assistance. If you encounter supernatural occurrences that cause discomfort or distress, it may be beneficial to consult with your trusted medical professionals, such as your doctors, psychiatrist, or psychologist, for further guidance and support. In addition to seeking professional help, such as therapists or counselors, your clergy may also be a valuable resource and support system if you truly believe the activity, you are experiencing is of demonic origin. In certain cases, it may prove highly advantageous, or even strongly recommended, to reach out to a well-respected and credible team of experts in the field of paranormal research. Due to my lack of knowledge and familiarity with any particular group, I am unable to provide any specific recommendations at this time. However, I do have several groups listed on my links pages who can contact you conveniently near your home or place of business.

Before allowing anyone to enter your home or place of business, I strongly advise you to conduct thorough research on their backgrounds and reputations. It is crucial to also research the backgrounds and reputations of all individuals who will enter your home or place of business for your own safety and security. Most well-respected and reputable paranormal research teams or groups will conduct thorough investigations without any charge or fee. Most individuals who engage in investigations for research purposes do so because of a genuine and sincere desire to assist others, as well as curiosity and determination to gather concrete evidence that supports the existence of ghosts and other paranormal phenomena.

I wish to thank you for visiting my site. If you have any comments or feedback please feel free to contact me.