What are ghosts

image of a ghost sitting on tompstone

Based on the theme of this website, are ghosts real? You will understand that the subject matter is the existence of ghosts and hauntings. The existence of entities such as ghosts cannot be confirmed with absolute certainty. However, if we momentarily consider the possibility that ghosts exist, then in my opinion, the next logical question would be. What are ghosts? What are these apparitions that inhabit our residences and cause fear during the night? The concise response to this inquiry is that ghosts are the ethereal spirits or souls of deceased people, who now roam the night and invade our dreams and imaginations. This definition does not satisfy anyone, believer or skeptic. Most paranormal researchers agree that there are two distinct types of ghosts: the residual and the intelligent ghost.

Residual ghost

The first type of ghost would be a residual ghost. It is a spectral entity that lacks empirical or physical existence. I do not believe it would be appropriate to classify this type of ghost as the spirit of a deceased person, as the essence, soul, or energy that brought life to this person would not be present. It would lack any form of intelligence, personality, or physical presence, rendering it unable to manifest itself at will or engage in any meaningful interactions with the living. A ghost of this type would be like watching a motion picture with an actor now deceased. The only real difference, it would be more like a three-dimensional holographic projection of that actor. It, the ghost, would be like an image of that once living person that somehow imprinted itself upon the physical environment.

The presence of such a ghost would resemble a deceased actor in a motion picture. The disparity is that it resembles a three-dimensional holographic projection of the actor. The ghost could be seen as an apparition of a deceased person, which somehow left a lasting impression on the physical surroundings. I do not possess expertise in physics, and my understanding of quantum mechanics or quantum physics can be summarized in just three words, minimal at best. However, I believe this event is possible because of the photons of light previously reflected from that person and were able to engage with the surrounding matter on a subatomic or quantum scale. It is my belief that photons could alter the electromagnetic structure of matter, similar to how sounds or images impact magnetic tape.

It is also feasible that, under the correct conditions, such as the time of day and temperature, humidity etc., the physical matter in that vicinity could potentially project a three-dimensional image of that deceased person. The image would manifest as an apparition or ghost and could potentially be replayed multiple times, like a movie or recorded tape. This may also account for the phenomenon of ghosts appearing to pass through solid objects, as there is no tangible substance present, but rather a projected image that gives the illusion of three-dimensionality. It is possible that paranormal activity may increase during the renovation of a purportedly haunted house or building, due to the displacement and removal of physical objects that may have held this energy. This interruption could potentially lead to a sudden increase, decrease, or cessation of the activity, depending on the extent of the renovations and reuse of any original materials.

Intelligent Ghost

Ghost on stairs

The second type of ghost would refer to an intelligent, conscious entity or spirit believed to exist in the realm of the living. If these ghosts truly exist, it is possible that they could interact with the living, and there have been instances where this has been observed. It is highly probable that an intelligent ghost is the ethereal essence or soul of a formerly living entity, probably human, although I presume it could also be non-human in nature. It is my belief that any entity possessing consciousness could persist as a ghost or spirit following the physical death of that entity.

It is widely believed by paranormal researchers that ghosts of this nature are composed of electromagnetic energy. The issue with this concept, as per my understanding of physics, is that most elements in our universe consist of various forms of electromagnetic energy, including gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet, visible light waves, and other types of light radiation. Essentially, all matter within our universe, at a subatomic or quantum level, exhibits electromagnetic properties, such as electrons and the particles that compose protons and neutrons. For those who subscribe to the principles of string theory and hold a strong belief in its validity, the fundamental building blocks of matter are simply strings of electromagnetic energy that vibrate at precise resonances, ultimately forming what we perceive as the elementary particles. Various resonances give rise to distinct particles.

Although I am unsure of the actual existence of ghosts, if they are indeed real, I believe they are likely a disturbance of the electromagnetic field within an allegedly haunted house or location, or potentially even of the Earth itself. I have no idea how ghosts could disrupt or disturb the electromagnetic field. However, I believe this could potentially help clarify why instruments such as EMF meters react to possible paranormal phenomena. It is possible that a distortion in electromagnetic energy, which heat itself is a form, could be the cause of these cold spots. It is also plausible that this distortion could lead to warm or even hot spots. Please understand that these ideas are purely speculative on my part, and do not provide evidence for or against the existence of ghosts, the paranormal, or how ghosts interact with their surroundings.

Ghosts in our reality.

If the existence of ghosts is verified, I maintain the belief that these entities, whether referred to as ghosts or spirits, may remain in our realm for a period of time. The duration of their presence in our reality may be influenced by their personal beliefs prior to their death and their expectations for the afterlife.

If they held beliefs in Heaven and Hell, as many Christian religions do, then it is possible that the ghost or spirit would go to its perceived place of belonging. If it is believed, as some eastern religions do, that reincarnation occurs, then it is possible that the spirit or soul may transfer to an unborn fetus and subsequently be reborn as another individual, without any recollection of their past life. But on the other hand, if that person did not have any solid belief system, perhaps they will continue to exist in our reality for a while. It is possible that some ghosts may persist in our realm and linger to haunt a specific individual or location. I do not use the term "haunt" in a negative manner. It is possible that the individual is not aware of their passing, has unresolved issues, or wants to communicate with or safeguard their surviving loved ones. Alternatively, the spirit of that individual may desire to intimidate someone with whom they had animosity. It is also plausible that certain spirits may be confined to our realm and unable to depart as a form of retribution, such as the ghost of a prisoner who may haunt the prison where they were once incarcerated.

As to whether evil spirits exist or not, again my answer is, I don't know! It is my belief that upon the death of an evil person, their malevolent spirit may persist, and likewise, upon the death of a good person, a benevolent spirit may endure. I have a predisposition to not believe in supernatural entities such as demons or devils. In my opinion, these ideas were formulated by religious leaders over the course of centuries to maintain control over their followers and hold no substantial merit.

If ghosts exist, they may linger in our world for a time. How long someone stays in our world after they die might depend on what they believed and expected for the afterlife.

If you believe in Heaven and Hell like most Christians, then it's possible your spirit will end up where you think it belongs. Some Eastern religions believe in reincarnation, where a person's spirit or soul can transfer to an unborn baby and be reborn as a new person without remembering their former life. But if the person doesn't have a solid belief system, they might stick around in our world for a while. And I guess it's also possible that some might stick around in our world to haunt someone or someplace. I don't mean haunt in a bad way. Maybe the person doesn't know they've passed, has stuff left to do, or wants to talk to or protect their loved ones who are still alive. Maybe the ghost just wants to spook someone they didn't like. Perhaps some ghosts are stuck here as punishment, like a prisoner haunting the prison they were in.

Regarding the existence of evil spirits, once again my response is, I am uncertain. It is possible that upon the death of an evil person, their malevolent ghost may persist, and likewise, upon the death of a good person, a benevolent spirit may endure. I tend to not believe in supernatural beings such as demons or devils. In my personal viewpoint, these concepts were crafted by spiritual leaders over numerous centuries as a way to retain authority over their adherents and are simply unfounded beliefs.